Dance Moms Wiki
Dance Moms Wiki
Cast  •  Birthdays  •  Episodes  •  Studios  •  Events  •  Guides  •  Pyramid  •  Songs  •  Galleries  •  Aid Wiki

Season 1[]

Episode  1   2   3   4 
[n1 1][1]
[n1 2]
 6   7   8 
Aleah Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom No Pyramid Bottom Bottom Bottom
  1. The pyramid was presented upside down with the top spot going to three girls, Tayluer, Eleiyah and Sam, the middle spots going to Chloe Jnr and Molly and the bottom going to Aleah. Chloe Snr was not given a spot on the pyramid.
  2. There was no pyramid. Jennifer threw the photos on the ground and said "...not one of you deserves to be higher than anybody else..."

Season 2[]

Episode  1   2   3   4   5   6 
[n2 1]
 7   8 
Old Pyramid
[n2 2]
New Pyramid
[n2 3]
Aleah Bottom Bottom Bottom Top Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom
  1. All of the girls besides Tayluer (as she won the music video) were placed on the bottom as Jen felt like they all deserved to be equal.
  2. Placements based on photo shoot
  3. Placements based on dance

