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Maliboo Coco Marie Ziegler was a dog that belongs to the Ziegler family. She was given to Mackenzie by Abby in the Christmas Special. Maliboo is a furry white puppy with furry tan ears that dangle down.

On Dance Moms[]

Near the end of the 'Twas the Fight Before Christmas, Abby gave the girls presents for Christmas. Mackenzie was the last person that Abby wanted to give a present to. She made her sit in a chair and she gave a small present to Kenzie. When she opened it, Maliboo was in it. Maliboo had big brown eyes and had a bow on. Mackenzie gasped, picked her up and held her in her arms as she shed tears of joy. All the other girls were able to pet Maliboo, and so did Melissa, and some of the other moms. Maliboo is a Maltipoo.



  • According to Mackenzie and Maddie, her "real name" is "Coco." (This is probably the name that has been used in official paperwork.)
  • Kendall and the Ziegler girls seem to agree that Jill named her "Maliboo," while Abby seems to take credit for herself in creating the name.
  • Before being named Maliboo, one possible name considered was "Maisie"; and one of Jill's first suggestions was "Martini."[1]
  • Maliboo is referred to as the "ALDC mascot".[2]

External Links[]


" Youtube link
From "'Twas the Fight Before Christmas"


To view the gallery for Maliboo, click here.

